Headache Remedies & Reasons


Headaches can be one of the most debilitating pains you experience. They can range from a dull throbbing pain to a sharp stabbing sensation and everything in between.

Headaches are typically caused by stress, dehydration, poor diet, or even genetics, but there are many other reasons why someone might get a headache. dietoknutritionok,https://dietoknutritionokdiabetes.blogspot.com/?m=1

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If you're experiencing a headache, here's what you should know:

1. Types of Headaches: There are three main types of headaches: tension headaches, migraine headaches and cluster headaches.

2. Causes: Tension headaches are common and usually caused by stress or anxiety. Migraines are also common and usually brought on by stress or anxiety. Cluster headaches can be triggered by anger, frustration or a change in routine (such as going out at night without wearing sunglasses), among other things.

Lack of Sleep
Poor Diet

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3. Remedies: If you're experiencing a tension headache (also known as "tennis elbow"), try taking deep breaths and trying to relax your shoulders and neck muscles while you're lying down with your eyes closed for 10 minutes or so (don't force yourself—it's okay if you don't get into the full relaxation state). If it doesn't help within 15 minutes. dietoknutritionok,https://dietoknutritionokdiabetes.blogspot.com/?m=1

Home remedies Take 5 leaves of  tulsi and neem boil it for 10min. Consume 20ml or 4spoon. You will get relief.

2nd Take hot milk with almonds and cardamom  in it boil it for 15min. Consume it 1cup. Get instant relief.

If these remedies are not effective on your body you need to concern about it.Consult with health expert and book online consulation if you don't have time to visit hospital.http://myhealthk.com

Proper nutrition to the brain to stimulate and balance the nutrients and hormones to get relief from the pain from roots.

Diet has biggest role to reduce headche if  you are suffering from headache more than 3times again and again within a week or month. then you should consult with health expert like dietitian/nutritionist.http://myhealthk.com
Book online free consultation. No charges for queries charges for cure.
Health Expert advice you what to eat or avoid food in this case of headache.

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